**Terms and Disclosures:**
The term "COMPANY" will refer to entities related in ownership to, agents, affiliates, employees, contractors, and officers of phidiaspropfirm.com or any subdomain. The term "COMPANY" will be used to refer to PHIDIAS PROPFIRM LIMITED. The term "user," "trader," or "client" will designate any person using the Company's services. By clicking "Accept," you are purchasing a product, resulting in a binding agreement between the user and the Company. The user must be 18 years or older to register and use the COMPANY's services and certifies that they are at least 18 years old. We reserve the right to verify your identity at any time. The user cannot be an owner of another funded company or a direct associate of a funded company (employee) or related party. The user understands that it is their responsibility to read all FAQs to understand how the evaluation programs and PHIDIAS-CASH work before paying for an evaluation. A purchase made on this site signifies that the user accepts all terms and conditions. The user understands that the trailing drawdown only increases the maximum drawdown allocated to any evaluation account and that it will follow the highest profit point at the end of the day throughout the evaluation account.
The user understands that there are NO REFUNDS. The account will start, and billing will begin on the day the user registers, continuing every 30 days thereafter until canceled manually. Since billing is on a 30-day cycle, dates may differ by 2 days after or up to 3 days before the previous billing cycle date. The user MUST manage their subscription. If the user wishes to cancel, this MUST be done via the website before renewal. There are no partial refunds. The account will remain active until the end of the user's 30 days and will renew unless canceled.
If the user cancels accidentally or intentionally, they understand that it is impossible to reactivate the account for any reason. The user will need to open a new account. The user understands that they will not dispute the charges. In case of a dispute over fees, they will be forwarded to a collection service, with collection and attorney fees added to the amount owed.
**Market Data Billing:**
The user understands that billing for an additional session or enhanced market depth will expire at the end of each month. The user's subscription date has no effect on this billing and must be renewed manually each month.
**Professional Data Fees:**
The user understands that if they select professional data fees, an additional charge of $150 will be billed per month, from the start to the end of the month, regardless of the user's start date. If the user does not select professional data, no additional charges will be billed for higher-level data.
**Other User Agreements:**
The company reserves the right to cap the number of accounts per user. The user must not attempt to abuse the max contracts rule by trading combined instruments to perform multiple max contracts, for example, 10 on ES and 10 on YM to make 20 on a maximum of 10 contracts. Repeated abuse of this will result in account termination without refund or payment. The user must not create more than one account. Doing so may result in the loss of all realized profits and all fees paid. Results may vary. No guarantees are given regarding the results you may achieve or the level of success you may have. If you choose to use this website or any materials or programs, the user assumes all risks and responsibilities. The user is responsible for paying, withholding, depositing, and reporting all taxes, duties, and other government assessments related to your activity associated with using the Company's services. The Company may perform any of these operations on your behalf if deemed appropriate, but this is not standard Company practice. We aim to create a "traders helping traders" community. Therefore, users must show respect, honesty, and integrity and must not have emotional outbursts that are rude, make harmful comments, be abusive to staff or other users, defame, or slander in comments. The user will only have access to the platforms listed on the FAQ page to use with the Company's services. Please consult the FAQ page to fully understand the risk model and the rules for each type of account. The user agrees to understand the model before subscribing. We reserve the right to update the rules, guidelines, payments, and programs at any time. The maximum number of PHIDIAS-CASH a user can have is 20 across all login identifiers, such as the business of another person residing at the same address, etc.
**Prohibited Conduct:**
The Trader agrees to comply with the PHIDIAS Code of Conduct. Any trading strategy or system intended to exploit funds, create errors, or generate inaccurate, abusive orders of any type that gives an unfair advantage is prohibited. Any action, device, or software that profits from or manipulates prices and fills in the SIM environment to create an unfair advantage or fills that would not match live trading fills is prohibited. The Trader agrees to trade only contracts of the current month, not forward-dated contracts. Only current month contracts are allowed. The Trader understands that any News Trading of any kind or any strategy aimed at profiting from volatile news breakout movements is prohibited and will result in disqualification. Sudden Enrichment Strategies of any kind are prohibited. Using PHIDIAS PROPFIRM LIMITED's funds to execute successful trades and deplete account funds until sudden enrichment is created will result in disqualification of trades and confiscation.
**Risk Notice and Terms of Use – Required Disclosures:**
**Risk Notice:** Trading involves significant risks and is not suitable for all investors. An investor could potentially lose the entirety or more of the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without compromising financial security or lifestyle. Only risk capital should be used for trading, and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
**Hypothetical Performance Disclosure:** Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are often significant differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program.
You may not share your login ID or password with anyone. You may not create more than one account. Violating any of these conditions will result in permanent deactivation of access to all services. If you believe any of these situations have occurred, please notify us via a support ticket immediately. We will change your password and disable the duplicate account. We do not share your contact information with third parties for marketing purposes.
By participating, you consent to receive text messages sent by an automatic dialing system from the Company. By participating, you consent to receive phone messages sent by an automatic dialing system from the Company. By participating, you consent to receive emails sent by an automatic messaging system from the Company. Consent to these terms is not a condition of purchase.
**Disclaimer and Disclosures for Website, Tools, Webinars:**
If you encounter a technical issue, use the PHIDIAS PROPFIRM support service on phidiaspropfirm.com (in the contact us section). If you have questions about implementation, use the PHIDIAS PROPFIRM forum on phidiaspropfirm.com or the PHIDIAS PROPFIRM support service. PHIDIAS PROPFIRM LIMITED makes no express or implied warranty regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, reliability, or usefulness of the program or any information or function it provides. All warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, freedom from computer viruses, and non-infringement of proprietary rights, are disclaimed by PHIDIAS PROPFIRM LIMITED. The company PHIDIAS PROPFIRM LIMITED, hereinafter referred to as THE COMPANY, and all its services are purely for educational purposes. THE COMPANY categorically states that nothing in its software, tools, websites, webinars, and other communication methods constitutes a solicitation, promotion, endorsement, offer, or recommendation to buy or sell any investment vehicle. Neither THE COMPANY nor its owners and operators, nor its subsidiaries, officers, employees, representatives, nor independent contractors are acting as licensed financial advisors. THE COMPANY acts SOLELY as an educational company providing research tools, and any trading conducted is for the sole purpose of illustrating the mechanisms of an exchange purely for educational purposes. Your transactions may result in maximum loss. There is no guarantee that you will realize profits or limit risk unless the maximum risk on said product. THE COMPANY does not determine if any strategy, trading instrument, or contract of any kind is suitable for any individual. Educational examples of strategies, trade examples, and hypothetical trades do not represent liquidity, exchange fees, commissions, interest, dividends, spreads, or other costs and have the benefit of hindsight. These factors affect the profitability of an investment. Any quotation made available may be delayed or become unavailable due to technological difficulties. Before selling or buying an investment, check the live prices on the platform to verify pricing information. Neither the subscriber nor any third party related to the subscriber will hold THE COMPANY responsible for any change, cancellation, or temporary suspension of THE COMPANY's services.
**DISCLOSURES:** Occasionally, we provide information regarding our company and the trading industry. Please remember that ALL TRADING AND INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES INVOLVE RISK. There is no guarantee that you will make profits or limit risk based on what you learn from us. In fact, most people who trade lose money. Our services are for educational purposes only. Please consult a licensed financial advisor before making any financial decisions.
**Available Instruments:** PHIDIAS PROPFIRM clients are only permitted to trade futures products listed on the following exchanges: CME, COMEX, NYMEX, and CBOT. Spot forex trading, CFDs, stocks, options, and crypto trading are not permitted or available in our programs, providers, or platforms. The evaluation and PHIDIAS-CASH are intended to be as close as possible to a realistic simulation of trading under real market conditions, including commissions to mimic real market conditions, and the evaluation is difficult to pass even for experienced traders. The event is not meant to train the client to become better but to be a challenge to overcome. The evaluation is not recommended for those with little or no trading experience.
**Independent Contractors:** In the interest of risk management, PHIDIAS-CASH accounts start with a simulation and are monitored to ensure long-term consistency. Clients are independent contractors and not account holders or owners, and they conduct transactions in a simulated funding environment that does not use real live funded accounts. The environment uses data from CME, COMEX, NYMEX & CBOT exchanges to be evaluated using third-party platforms and data feeds, which are in no way controlled by PHIDIAS PROPFIRM before being transferred to a live funded account. For simulated profits earned in a PHIDIAS-CASH account, compensation is based on performance achieved in the simulated account. It is the responsibility of PHIDIAS PROPFIRM to pay amounts owed to clients as independent contractors from the simulated accounts, whether simulated trades have been copied or not, or whether live trades have been made or not, and PHIDIAS PROPFIRM will make these payments from available membership fees, revenues, copying, or live trading.
**IMPORTANT NOTICES REGARDING TRADING:** All investments and trading involve risk. Trading and investing expose you to losses, including losses greater than your initial investment. Many strategies, investments, and securities (including options and swaps) are not suitable for everyone. The COMPANY does not determine whether a strategy, investment, or security is suitable for an individual, as stated with any exchange or broker with whom you open an account. Subscribers should only trade with money they can afford to lose and should only place orders if they understand the risk and the instrument. Past results do not guarantee future performance. Examples of trades and hypothetical transactions do not represent liquidity, commissions, interest, dividends, spreads, or other costs and benefit from hindsight. All these factors affect the profitability of an investment. For all products and services, even if the transaction is live, all trades and trade examples should be considered as trade examples, based on hypothetical transactions for educational purposes only. All quotes made available may be delayed. Before selling or buying an investment, consult a broker to verify price information. This risk disclosure applies to this site and all sites, services, and products owned by the COMPANY. This service is provided solely for educational purposes. None of the information contained herein should be considered financial advice. Due to SEC, NFA, CFTC, and other regulatory agencies regarding securities, commodities, fixed income, and forex laws, we cannot provide trading recommendations or any service that may be considered investment advice, legal, or accounting services. Fundamentally, there is a risk, and you should assume a loss before entering a trade. To reinforce this basic statement: There are no guarantees of profits or losses, and no statement or history on any type of communication produced by the COMPANY on any of its sites. None of the materials, principals, agents, employees, contractors, or affiliates should be interpreted as making a profit or loss guarantee. (We may guarantee free subscriptions for a specified period if trades are not profitable, but this does not mean that the COMPANY or others representing it in any way guarantee a profit.) As always, past results do not guarantee future results.
**Hypothetical or Simulated Performance Results:** These have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under- or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is made that any account is likely or will achieve profits or losses similar to those shown in the hypothetical or actual performance records listed on any material or communicated in any way by anyone associated with the COMPANY. The COMPANY, along with its affiliated websites, divisions, principals, agents, potential contractors, employees, associates, and partners, is not responsible for any profits or losses arising from any material produced by the COMPANY and its subdivisions in any form, nor from any methods of communication. Individuals may express their opinions, but this should be seen as the opinion of that individual and not the opinion of Insights Investors LLC or its divisions. The COMPANY uses various research methods to develop educational material and educational signals, but individuals should conduct their own checks to determine whether such material is suitable for their personal investment decisions. The COMPANY and any of its affiliated websites, company divisions, principals, agents, potential contractors, employees, associates, and partners may or may not take a position for the educational strategies and educational signals listed in the material and reserve the right to enter, exit, or refrain from any position on any financial investment vehicle at any time without notifying any subscriber. While the owners of this website and the COMPANY may or may not hold an investment advisor license, they do not act in this capacity at any time for subscribers to this website's services by phone, web, email, SMS, instant message, book, eBook, or any other type of communication or media. THE COMPANY, its websites, affiliates, contractors, or employees DO NOT act as registered investment advisors, brokers, competent persons, securities brokers, or in any other capacity that may lead one to believe they should follow signals given by any of these persons, companies, or affiliates. Investing in products involves significant risks, and investors may lose all or more of their initially invested capital, even more than what is in their investment account. If an employee, contractor, or potential affiliate of the COMPANY or this website decides to act in a manner other than that described in this disclaimer, they must do so with written documentation signed by the COMPANY for each individual instance in which they may do so in a manner distinct from or related to the COMPANY. Otherwise, they do so without the knowledge or consent of the COMPANY. If you believe any employee, contractor, or affiliate is acting in this manner and representing the COMPANY or any of its services, websites, or products, you must contact us at support@phidiaspropfirm.com. Other warnings that all persons who dare to trade against legal warning recommendations should read the risk warnings such as the characteristics and risks of standardized options [http://www.optionsclearing.com/publications/risks/riskchap1.jsp](http://www.optionsclearing.com/publications/risks/riskchap1.jsp). You agree to all warnings provided by your broker for the execution of your trades and the exchange warnings regarding risk on all types of investments for any type of investment account you open and understand that these warnings should be considered in addition to all warnings contained herein.
**The COMPANY's products may contain inaccuracies or errors.** We do not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of any COMPANY product. All data used or made available by the COMPANY comes from sources we believe to be reliable and accurate; however, the COMPANY does not investigate the sources nor confirm the data and makes no representations that the data or resulting calculations are complete or accurate. From time to time, the COMPANY may reference previous articles and opinions. These references may be selective, referring only to part of an article or opinion, and are likely not current. As markets evolve constantly, previously published information and data may no longer be current and should not be taken into consideration.
**Educational Signals Are Not the Same as Automated Trading.** Automated trading is not available unless explicitly stated for that particular subscription. The use of educational services should not be interpreted by the subscriber/client or anyone else as a counseling relationship. All communicated information is clearly for educational purposes, and no advice is given or implied. Each subscriber/client assumes sole responsibility for their investment decisions. Automated trading is an arrangement you make exclusively with your broker. We are in no way a party to this agreement. We do not recommend any particular brokerage firm. When mentioned, it is to inform the reader of the possible advantages or disadvantages of using the broker in question and should not in any way be construed as a recommendation to use that particular broker for actual live trading. We have no responsibility for any profit or loss that may occur, no responsibility for losses that may occur, nor any liability for any type of damages, including but not limited to consequential, special, intangible, indirect, direct, or similar damages that may arise directly or indirectly from automated trading or any educational product offered by the COMPANY and/or its principals, agents, contractors, employees, and affiliates, whether the loss or damage is due to the negligence of the COMPANY and/or its principals, agents, contractors, employees, and affiliates. Circumstances beyond or within the COMPANY's control may arise and result in an error or issue in the automated trading for the exit, entry, or non-entry of trades, and if such errors occur due to negligence related to the COMPANY, then the subscriber agrees that issues may arise and are part of the risk of automated trading and agrees to hold the COMPANY and its affiliates harmless from any damages or financial loss that may result from such issues. The subscriber agrees to indemnify, guarantee, and not seek reimbursement or chargeback,
loss, or other issues, hold PHIDIAS PROPFIRM, its agents, and employees harmless from any loss, including loss of capital, or any damage arising from the use of any COMPANY product, service, or automated trading arrangement.